Saturday, August 24, 2013



(This is actually,partly a short review & a  summary of the story)

The book " While the light lasts " was first published on 4th August,1997 as a hardcover& then on 20th July 1998 as a paperback,both by HarperCollins.

Writer's image:

Agatha Christie was born in England & regarded to be the "Queen of Crime" as she was famous for her 66 detective novels.
Christie holds a Guinness record for the best selling novelist of all time.


'The Lonely God' was one among the stories of 'While the Light Lasts'
written by the Queen of Crime,Agatha Christie.
It's a classic & beautiful romantic stuff which portrays a pure love
between Frank Oliver,the 40 year old man & 21 year old, 'The Little
Lonely Lady'. 

The plot begins from the British Museum & both the
persons always stare at a 'Lonely God',a grey stone at which the
visitors never had any glance before.They were watching each other & a
sense of intimacy built up between them.Once Frank made a reason to
talk with her by buying a new kerchief & intentionally asking whether
hers was lost or not.Soon they became friends.They shared their
histories in which Frank's claim of being a painter was spot on.Both
were alone in the World & one day he proposed her.
The response from the Lady was remarkable,"You brought the
kerchief."Novelist shows the cunning femininity here.She accepted his
proposal & admitted she loves him for the way he's been.But,she left
him keeping a letter to him that they could never marry.
The story has a vital turning point here & I would say,a perfect one.
He began to paint & he was becoming famous & once he read a story from
a magazine,got impressed & started painting on the particular
topic.Surprisingly,it gained a wide popularity & made him a prominent
status.One day,the Lonely Lady returned to the British Museum &
started weeping at the idol.Soon Frank met her & it was the most
sentimental scene of the story.Her claim that she was the owner of
that story & she believed him to paint on it.The climax was too
romantic & altogether Agatha could move my heart by her heavenly touch
of words.

- y a s i r

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