Wednesday, August 28, 2013


This is a simple poem on Friendship.The funny thing is that this was one among the poems written during my plus two model exam time.As I quoted in other posts,I'm mad lover of Friends.
The core of this poem indicates the importance of being frank in Friendship.Before we met each other,we were in a dark room & after opened our hearts,we became Friends & received the light of Friendship.

God has picked both of us,
Locked in a horrible dark room.
In the fake blindness,
I searched for a light.
So,opened my heart.
And met him,my mate!
He did the right choice,
And found me,his person!
Paved the way of light,
Piercing the little ticker!
Tearing with worse heat,
Both found a wide window,
Opening it led to where,
We both guys stand for!
The cool breeze smiled on us,
Touched & cuddled us,
And for the first time,
We knew the beauty,
Being frank to each other,
Taking us to the journey,
To the beautiful ship,
Say as cool as 'Friendship' !!

- y a s i r