Written by Yasir
Exaggeration is what the exact word!
Can you have a close look at there?
To the game going on, to the nature!
“Hey mate, can you sing a song for me?”
“It’s up to you, the tuner of nature!”
“Can you imagine the real poet here?”
“That's up to him, the selector! “
“Hey mate, feel me with your sweetness”
“Boy, I’ve the voice, I’ve the tone,
But, I'm helpless to present it now!”
“Now tell me the reason, mate,
To break your voice, to break our case.”
“This is what I've told you boy,
He decides, when I should sing..!"
Can't you enjoy the cold over there?”
“This cold, I think is the worst one,
How can I enjoy this terrible cold?”
“Now tell me boy, the real problem of yours.”
“The cold you praised is a fake one!
The word can be compressed as ‘winter’!”
“You’ve the right time to enjoy,
And this cold will bring you the real hold.”
“Mate, you can easily talk like this,
But here I’m, suffering badly!
This time is not the right time for me,
And the time reminds me of blood,
The talks of blood, smell of blood,
Everywhere, every time & to every one!”
"What's the word 'Peace' stands for, boy?
And now you lack exactly the same here!”
“I’ve nothing to tell, but you told it!
"It's the only thing which I wanted,
Not in words or promises though!"
“Tell me politely, when can you've it?”
“The time when you sing for me,
The time when you makes me happy,
Is what the exact period for me,
Is what the real period for that,
What makes the word meaningful”
“And, what will you call the time?”
“The word is simple, but complex,
The meaning may differ, but for what?
And I could mention it simply as ‘spring’!
Now tell me my mate what to be done,
To listen to your sweetest melody.”
“It's all part of your life, boy,
And the admin has to admit it!
You call him differently, separately,
But all it matters to one, the only one!"
“You’ve that great point, mate!
And why my people forget this?
They need the blood to shatter,
And I never want to cry later!
Now speak out the time arrives,
When you open the record for me! "
“Ask the person, the same person,
He commands, we do & we should!”
“Let me seek you, my Lord,
Can I see another spring shortly?
Can I have the birds back tossing?
And can I have Peace shortly?
I need to see them united again,
Under your shelter of harmony.
I've another word to utter,
The last inquiry I have,
If winter comes, will spring be far behind??"
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